Parent-Teacher Conferences (Should be Positive)
An Opportunity to Learn More Parent-Teacher relationships are so important for the growth of your child's education. At Arches Academy...
Middle School at Arches Academy:
Frequently Asked Questions Middle School at Arches: Frequently Asked Questions Middle school is the time to start thinking about major...
The 3 Pillars of Successful Education
Here, at Arches Academy, we prioritize the social, emotional, and academic safety of our students. These three “pillars” are absolutely...
Middle School Moab Leadership Retreat
WHAT: Moab Leadership Retreat, Middle School Spring Enrichment Add-On WHO: Led by Anna Jorgensen and Amy McLaughlin...joined by YOU!...
6/7 Six Week Recap
Here are just a few of the things our 6th and 7th graders have done in the last 6 weeks. Timpanogas Storytelling Festival: Along with...
8/9 Six Week Recap
Here are just a few of the things our 8th and 9th graders have done in the last 6 weeks. Timpanogas Storytelling Festival: Along with...
There Are 3 Types of Private Schools
Private schools fall into one of three categories. The consulting company ISM defines them as follows 1. Price or value-based schools -...
2017 8th/9th Atlanta Trip a Success
The 8th/9th trip to Atlanta was a great success! They visited civil rights sites, Martin Luther King sites/memorials, civil war...
2017 6th/7th Catalina Trip Pictures
Snorkeling, aquarium, dissection, kayaking, marine biology, wetlands, and giant lobsters!
Myths & Facts of Public, Charter, and Private Schools
Schooling has changed. It is no longer the way it was when we were all younger but we often view decisions about schools through the perspe