Transitioning from a routine at home to a daily school routine can feel really scary for some of our younger students...and their parents. These feelings are completely valid. As experienced teachers, we have a bag full of tricks! Most students who are feeling this sadness at goodbye are full of smiles only moments after. We want to help make these transitions as easy as we can for both our students and their parents.

Here are a few tips we've found helpful with this transition.
Tip #1
Say Goodbye
Saying Goodbye can be really hard. Use this time to give a simple, normal goodbye to your child. This can look like a hug, kiss, or high-five. Let your child know that you will be leaving but that they will learn so much and that you will see them when you come to pick them up after school. If your child does cry, I can promise you that once we have moved to our next activity they will likely be all smiles.
Tip #2
It's not a Burden
A crying child at the beginning of the day is not a burden for their teacher. This is something that we are prepared for. We have several different ways to help your child transition within the classroom and we are very happy to use this time to create a bond with our students. By allowing us to help your child in these moments, you are allowing us to help your child understand that their classroom and their teacher is a safe place where they can feel these big feelings. This will bring us one step closer to an easy goodbye.
Tip #3
Give it Some Time
Many students are experiencing school (or being away from their parents) for the first time. It is an adjustment but with routine and consistency, the adjustment is possible. As time progresses, you will see the transition become easier each week.
Tip #4
Routine/Be the Early Bird
Kids love routine. Be the early bird. Students that get efficient and consistent amounts of sleep are happier throughout the day. Full bellies and lots of rest set our students up for a successful and happy day at school.
Tip #5
Communicating with the Teacher
Communication is a great way to put yourself at ease. If you find saying goodbye seems hard on your child or yourself, email their teacher with your concerns. It's likely that once you have left, your child is playing happily in class only moments later. While we may not be able to answer right away we are happy to send updates or discuss their day at pick-up. Please note that we are teaching most of the day but will respond when our schedules allow.