2017 8th/9th Atlanta Trip a SuccessThe 8th/9th trip to Atlanta was a great success! They visited civil rights sites, Martin Luther King sites/memorials, civil war battlefields, and the US Space & Rocket Center. 20170507_131216-smallPhoto May 08, 8 59 54 AM-smallPhoto May 07, 3 51 25 PM-smallPhoto May 08, 3 31 05 PM-smallPhoto May 07, 3 42 47 PM-smallIMAG1764-small20170508_153042-small20170508_143835-small20170508_135654-small20170508_135645-small20170508_093851-small20170508_093248-small20170508_090347-smallSAM_4815-small20170507_172902-small20170507_165141-small20170507_165302-small20170507_165149-small
The 8th/9th trip to Atlanta was a great success! They visited civil rights sites, Martin Luther King sites/memorials, civil war battlefields, and the US Space & Rocket Center. 20170507_131216-smallPhoto May 08, 8 59 54 AM-smallPhoto May 07, 3 51 25 PM-smallPhoto May 08, 3 31 05 PM-smallPhoto May 07, 3 42 47 PM-smallIMAG1764-small20170508_153042-small20170508_143835-small20170508_135654-small20170508_135645-small20170508_093851-small20170508_093248-small20170508_090347-smallSAM_4815-small20170507_172902-small20170507_165141-small20170507_165302-small20170507_165149-small