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Arches Academy continues in the tradition of a classical education, with a core knowledge and liberal arts emphasis. We expect students to develop themselves in five key areas:
English Language
Mathematical Thinking And Problem Solving
Historical Awareness
Science Knowledge And Reasoning
Rich Elective Offerings
Language Arts
The Core Knowledge Language Arts® (CKLA®) curriculum used in Arches' PK-Grade 5 is a comprehensive program for teaching skills in reading, writing, listening, and speaking that also builds students’ knowledge and vocabulary in literature, history, geography, and science. CKLA is fully aligned to the Common Core State Standards which demand that educational experiences, at every point along the developmental continuum, transparently and intentionally point children toward becoming “college and career ready.” The preschool and K–3 materials respect the important differences between early childhood education and formal schooling, while the grade 4–5 materials ensure a smooth transition to the academic rigors of middle school.
Click to learn more about CLKA
The Amplify English Language Arts (ELA) curriculum used in Grades 6-9 is a blended curriculum designed specifically for middle school students. It uses dynamic texts, lively classroom discussions, and meaningful digital experiences to engage students. Information is presented in text-based immersive units such as Mysteries and Investigations and The Titanic Collection that expose students to a diverse array of text types, genres, authors, and time periods. It also add components from the AP Language and Literature standards.
Singapore Math
Arches uses the Singapore Math curriculum in Math Levels K-6. Singapore Math is consistently ranked highest across the grades for math programs by the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS). Singapore Math focuses on mastery, not memorization by teaching visualization strategies that facilitate comprehension for every student, leveling the playing field and giving all students the tools to think like a mathematician. The sequence of

topics in Singapore math is carefully constructed and based upon child development theory. It includes a pictorial approach which is often missing in other programs, which means that students are able to solidify their understanding as they visualize and then draw math concepts as a representative picture.
Click to learn more about Singapore Math
Social Studies
The Core Knowledge History and Geography® (CKHG®) used in Arches' Grades K-6 is a comprehensive program in world and American history and geography, integrating topics in civics and the arts, and helping students build knowledge of diverse civilizations, cultures, and concepts. It is integrated with the CKLA curriculum to reinforce and enrich learning.
Grade 7 uses the Utah standards for Utah History as the basis for their curriculum. The teacher then adds his/her own information, ideas, and resources as desired.
Grade 8 uses the AP U.S. History textbook as the foundation of the U.S. History course, ensures UEN standards are covered, and utilizes Core Knowledge resources as applicable. World Civilizations class is based on the Utah standards augmented with Core Knowledge resources. 8th. grade students alternate each year between World Civilizations and U.S. History classes.
Arches' Grades K-5 use the Core Knowledge Science® (CKSci®) as the basis for its science curriculum. CKSci is a comprehensive program for elementary science that helps students to build knowledge cumulatively and coherently while addressing core ideas in life, physical, and earth/space sciences, as well as engineering design, develop scientific practices that give students’ firsthand experience in scientific inquiry, engineering, and technology; and, connect scientific learning to concepts across various disciplines, such as mathematics and literacy. It is integrated with the CKLA curriculum to reinforce and enrich learning.
Grades 6-9 teachers use the NextGen science standards as the basis for their curriculum, integrate Core Knowledge standards as available, then add their own information, ideas, and resources as they desire. 8th. grade students alternate each year between Biology and Earth Science classes.
Arches' specialist classes allow students to enrich their whole selves and develop their many talents. Curriculum is based on the Utah Standards and integrates Core Knowledge standards as available. Specialist teachers then add in additional resources and information as they see fit.
Foreign Languages (French, Spanish, ESL)
General Music and Choral Singing
Musical Theater and Drama Learn more about our all school play!
Physical Education and Health
STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics)
Yoga and Dance
Mini-courses Learn more about this aspect of gifted and talented learning!
In all subject areas, Arches' teachers are encouraged to expand on the subject matter with resources and experiences of their own design. Arches' curriculum covers all the Utah/Common Core standards and much more!