In a previous post, we discussed the many skills and benefits a child receives by having early childhood education. These benefits are manifold and range from academic to social and emotional. Pre-Kindergarten education sets the tone for the rest of a child’s academic experience.
Studies have also shown that these benefits last beyond elementary school and into adulthood.
An article from the National Education Association says:
One well-known study, the HighScope Perry Preschool Study, found that individuals who were enrolled in a quality preschool program ultimately earned up to $2,000 more per month than those who were not. Young people who were in preschool programs are more likely to graduate from high school, to own homes, and have longer marriages.
Other studies, like The Abecedarian Project, show similar results. Children in quality preschool programs are less likely to repeat grades, need special education, or get into future trouble with the law.
Clearly a pre-kindergarten education can have a remarkable impact on a person’s life.
What about the quality of preschool education? Does it matter?
Yes, the quality of that preschool education is a vital factor. NPR highlights a study which found that the “long-term impact...depends entirely on quality and how well elementary schools build on the foundations set in pre-K.”
In other words, success has to do with both the quality of the preschool education and also how that positive head start is built upon in later elementary classes.

These are a few of the reasons Arches Academy has focused on creating such a strong preschool program that flows naturally and organically into Kindergarten, First grade, and beyond.
Many neighborhood-style day-care or educational programs can be positive and provide great social and emotional benefits for a preschool child, but there are a couple reasons why they might not be providing your child all the possible benefits they could be getting.
What does Arches do differently?
First, trained and highly-qualified preschool teachers give their students not only the safe emotional and social environments that are so important at this age, but they also give them a solid mental and academic foundation. This means that they can hit the ground running as they move into Kindergarten. At Arches Academy, our Pre-Kindergarten students have reading abilities far above the state curriculum and national average. In other words, these students receive the full package of social, emotional, and academic benefits that can be given them by highly trained professionals.
The other large advantage to sending your student to Arches Academy Preschool is the natural and organic way the academic and social benefits are maintained and expanded upon as the students move to Kindergarten, First grade, and beyond. After receiving the strong foundation in
Preschool at Arches Academy, students are able to move along at a natural pace as they start Kindergarten, rather than being held back and becoming bored and disengaged.
Can a 3 year old benefit from Preschool? How does that work exactly?
To make sure each student is receiving the most beneficial experience, Arches Academy has divided the Pre-Kindergarten group into a Preschool class (3 year olds) and a Pre-Kindergarten class (4 year olds). This ensures that each student gets the social and academic experiences best tailored for them. We also have several scheduling options available, and parents can decide if they want their child to stay for the morning, for the afternoon, or for the full day. (As an aside, although the morning schedule seems to be the automatic default for half-day students, afternoon preschool is just as effective and provides the equal level of benefits.)
If you are researching options for your preschool child, please feel free to give us a call and come in for a visit. This is an incredibly important decision and we hope to answer all of your questions to help you make the most informed decision possible.
Call Arches Academy today at 801-374-5480.