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Fine Arts: Music and Theater

Arches Academy understands the brain balancing power of integrating Fine Arts classes into the required course load for students. Research shows that students who study the Fine Arts are four times more likely to be recognized for academic achievement in math, reading, and science and three times more likely to be awarded for school attendance. New brain research shows that not only does a Fine Arts education improve skills in math and reading, but it promotes creativity, social development, personality adjustment, and self-worth.

Art Class

Our Fine Arts classes include General Music, Drama, Dance, and Art Fundamentals, as well as several other electives. Even our youngest grades participate in these classes. Students learn about great artists from around the world, and experience performing and showcasing their own masterpieces as well. All Arches students participate in a yearly formal choral concert, a show choir style performance, a national art contest, an art museum display, and a musical theater production directed by professionals from the Scera Theater.

We take pride in our Fine Arts faculty who are experts in their field. Their passion for the arts is contagious, and students naturally develop art appreciation as they are inspired by these professional teachers. As evidence of their high caliber teaching, our students consistently win national and regional art, theater, and music competitions.

Little Mermaid School Musical

Just one example of this comes from last year’s school musical. A student brand new to Arches who had never performed in his life auditioned and was given one of the lead roles. Faculty observed this student come out of his shell, and become increasingly engaged. Later on, his mom told the faculty that it had been a hugely important experience in her son’s life; that it had been a great impact on his confidence and his social skills, and that he would never have been given the opportunity elsewhere. Our faculty report seeing this type of growth happen with every student.

And as always, blended learning and educational experiences are a part of our Fine Arts curriculum. Students have attended orchestra performances at Abravanel Hall, participated in a state-wide choral performance, toured art museums, and visited local university performances to inspire them beyond the walls of the classroom. Students leave Arches well-rounded with an impressive fine arts resume.

Kurt Vonnegut Jr Quote

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